Publications & Scientific Congresses


At Phathom, we encourage the publication of scientific information in peer-reviewed publications and at scientific meetings. Key publications of interest are included below.

Some of the publications include data for investigational uses of vonoprazan. Phathom makes no representation as to the safety or efficacy of vonoprazan for investigational uses.

Treatment of Heartburn in Non-Erosive Reflux Disease

Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology– 2024
Vonoprazan is Efficacious for Treatment of Heartburn in Non-Erosive Reflux Disease: A Randomized Trial

Laine L et al.

Healing and Maintenance of Healing of Erosive Esophagitis

Gastroenterology – 2022
Vonoprazan Versus Lansoprazole for Healing and Maintenance of Healing of Erosive Esophagitis: A Randomized Trial

Laine L et al.

Eradication of H. pylori infection

Gastroenterology – 2022
Vonoprazan Triple and Dual Therapy for Helicobacter pylori Infection in the United States and Europe: Randomized Clinical Trial

Chey W et al.

Treatment of Heartburn Associated with Non-Erosive GERD

Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics – 2023
Randomised clinical trial: Efficacy and safety of on-demand vonoprazan versus placebo for non-erosive reflux disease

Fass R et al.

Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics – 2023
A translational pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic approach supports optimal vonoprazan dosing for erosive oesophagitis and Helicobacter pylori infection

Scarpignato C et al.

Clinical Pharmacology in Drug Development – 2021
The Effect of Food on the Pharmacokinetics of the Potassium-Competitive Acid Blocker Vonoprazan

Darcy M et al.

Scientific Congresses

Treatment of Heartburn in Non-Erosive Reflux Disease 

DDW – 2024
Vonoprazan for the Treatment of Heartburn in Non-Erosive Reflux Disease: A Randomized Trial

Laine L, et al.

Health Care Resource Utilization with Erosive Esophagitis 

DDW – 2024
Erosive Esophagitis is Associated with High Health Care Resource Utilization and Frequent Changes in Medication

Shaheen N, et al.

Newly Diagnosed Erosive Esophagitis Patient Real-World Treatment Patterns  

DDW – 2024
Real-World Treatment Patterns among Newly Diagnosed Patients with Erosive Esophagitis in the U.S.

Patel D, et al.

Local Investigator-Reported vs Centrally Adjudicated Los Angeles Grades of Erosive Esophagitis   

DDW – 2024
Comparison of Local Investigator-Reported vs Centrally Adjudicated Los Angeles Grades of Erosive Esophagitis in Patients Screened for Participation in a Randomized Trial

Spechler S, et al.

Analyzing the Relationship Between pH Control and Erosive Esophagitis Healing Rates

DDW – 2023
A Model-Based Meta-Analysis of the Relationship Between pH Control and Erosive Esophagitis Healing Rates

Howden C, et al.

H. Pylori Eradication Rates with Vonoprazan

DDW – 2023
Helicobacter pylori Eradication Rates with Vonoprazan: Subgroup Analysis from the Phase 3 pHalcon-HP Trial

Chey W, et al.

Evaluating Vonoprazan vs. Placebo in the Treatment of Heartburn in NERD

ACG – 2022
Efficacy and Safety of On-Demand Vonoprazan versus Placebo in the Treatment of Heartburn in Symptomatic Nonerosive Reflux Disease (NERD) Patients: A Phase 2 Randomized Controlled Trial

Fass R, et al.

Pharmacodynamics and Pharmacokinetics of Vonoprazan

ACG – 2022
Development and Utilization of a Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic Model for Vonoprazan to Assess the Relationship Between Dose, Exposure, and pH Holding-Time Ratio

Scarpignato C, et al.

Healthcare Cost Savings Following Successful H. Pylori Eradication

AMCP Nexus – 2022
Healthcare Cost Savings in the Year Following Successful Eradication of Helicobacter pylori With Current US Guideline-Recommended Treatment

Shah S, et al.

Pharmacodynamics and Pharmacokinetics of Vonoprazan

DDW – 2022
Pharmacodynamics and Pharmacokinetics of the Potassium-Competitive Acid Blocker Vonoprazan and the Proton Pump Inhibitor Lansoprazole in U.S. Subjects

Laine L, et al.

Impact of Moderate and Strong CYP3A Inducers on Vonoprazan Exposure

DDW – 2022
Novel Approach to Evaluate the Impact of Moderate and Strong CYP3A Inducers on Vonoprazan Exposure

Ramsden D, et al.

Global Trends in Efficacy of Clarithromycin-Containing Regimens in H. pylori Eradication

DDW – 2022
Global Temporal Trends in the Efficacy of Clarithromycin-Containing Regimens in Helicobacter Pylori Eradication

Moss F S, et al.

Diagnosis and Treatment Patterns Among U.S. H. pylori Patients

DDW – 2022
Diagnosis and Treatment Patterns Among Patients with Helicobacter pylori Infection in the United States: A Linked EMR-Claims Database Analysis

Shah S, et al.

Comparative Efficacy of H. pylori Eradication Therapies

DDW – 2022
Comparative Efficacy of Helicobacter Pylori Eradication Therapies: A Network Meta-Analysis

Malfertheiner P, et al.

Comparative Efficacy of Acid Suppression Backbones for H. pylori Eradication

DDW – 2022
Comparative Efficacy of Acid Suppression Backbones for Helicobacter Pylori Eradication: Results of a Network Meta-Analysis

Malfertheiner P, et al.

Effect of Vonoprazan on the Pharmacokinetics of Midazolam

DDW – 2022
A Clinical Drug Interaction Study to Assess the Effect of Vonoprazan on the Pharmacokinetics of Midazolam

Mulford D J, et al.

*The publications contained in this section are provided for informational purposes only. The information contained in each publication is accurate only as of the date it was originally issued and is not controlled by Phathom. Phathom assumes no responsibility for the information or statements in such publications and disavows any obligation to update the information contained in such publications after the date of their issuance.